Monday, October 11, 2010

This guy is legit.

My sister came to visit from Andrews this weekend, which happened to be during the time of the chickstock fair, at Greenway Park. Ben Sollee, as well as other artists were in the area for a concert. Nestled inbetween two mountains and the Chickamauga Dam, a stage was set up and various musicians came up and shared their talents.

The previous week, Yora my roommate, and I were listening to his stuff on Youtube. Yora had just discovered him online, we like to search for new music, and she shared her findings with me.

So here we are, at the Chickamauga Dam excited that we get to see this guy sing.
Then, this guy opened his mouth. I had goose bumps from the first song until the last.
I love music, and being a strings player myself, have a great appreciation for new, innovative ways of playing stringed instruments. His style is folk, a little jazzy and soulful, and just plain GOOD. He really knows how to make you feel good with his touching lyrics, and dynamic style of playing.

Not to mention that he is supporting a worthy cause and raising awareness for Mountaintop removal. Apparently here in America there has been excessive mountaintop removal with the blowing up of mountain tops to access coal faster. It's polluting the streams and lakes that come from the Appalachia's and causing problems for those that live in the mountains. If you'd like to find out more info, check out

Anyway, Ben Sollee is legit. Check him out.

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